Kamis, 15 Oktober 2020

Nico's Weg Review :D

Nico's Weg Review 

Hallo!! Guten Tag Everybody!! ( Good Day )

it's been a while now since i post my last blog, yes? anyway today im gonna write something diffrent, because today im gonna write about movie review yeeey :D. The movie name is "Nico's Weg". it's a very intresting movie, the movie itself telling a story about Nico's journey in germany, it's all started when Nico who came from spain lost his bag that containt all his stuff. He lost his bag because he's too focused in playing bubbles whit Emma in airport. Nico who dont know anything about deutsch language, struggled to get his bag back. Nico is lucky enought that he meet a kind people there, that willing to help him, reporting his lost bag, gave him place to stay while he was in Germany, even helped him learn deutsch language, their name is Emma and Lisa.

He experience many things while in Germany, like he finally Chose what he want to do for his future,it's also his other reason why he want to go to Germany, he wanted to leave his home and didn't want to study anymore, also he finally found his love in Germany and dont forgot about how complicated it was to find his aunt Yara who was in switzerland all along ( i laught in this part). It's also relieving that he found his bag at the end, well minus the part he lost some of his clothes but hey nothing valuable things is lost. The fact that he lost his bag because a taxi driver took Nico's bag accidentally, thinking that it's his passengers bag just hilarious ^-^ ( i feel bad for think this is funny).

to be honest, it's a really nice movie to learn Deutsch language and how to pronounce it. it's way easier to learn vocabularies. That all from me fellas, Thank you~

Good Bye - S

Minggu, 26 Juli 2020


OFFERS AND SUGGESTIONS - independence day

Nick : oh hey Tux, up already?
Tux : yeah, i have to prepare for independence ceremony
Nick : huh, it already that day eh. so do you have any plans after the ceremony?
Tux : i still have to organize of the games to be held in the village, it's a mess now
Nick : a busy man huh. i'm gonna go to the grocery store then, do you need anything?
Tux : nah, im fine, but i suggest you to take the motorcycle with you. today the streets will be very jammed because of the ceremony.
Nick : note it. Hey Tux, tell you what, when i'm come back, i'll help you out.
Tux : Nick, you don't have to.
Nick : nope, it's final. i'm helping you out.
Tux : haha, thanks, you're the best friend i could ever have.

and then Nick helping Tux preparing the games as he's promise. well they still have a fun time playing the games thougt.

Minggu, 05 April 2020

brochure about COVID 19

 hello, welcome back to my blog. today im gonna present to you guys my brochure about COVID 19

enjoy :))

Minggu, 08 Maret 2020

Battle of surabaya (recount teks)

Battle of Surabaya The Battle of Surabaya was fought between pro-independence Indonesian soldiers and militia against British and British Indian troops as a part of the Indonesian National Revolution. The peak of the battle was in November 1945. The battle was the heaviest single battle of the revolution and became a national symbol of Indonesian resistance. Fighting broke out on 30 October after the British commander, Brigadier A. W. S. Mallaby was killed in a skirmish. Although the Colonial forces largely captured the city in three days, the poorly armed Republicans fought for three weeks, and thousands died as the population fled to the countryside. The battle and defence mounted by the Indonesians galvanised the nation in support of independence and helped garner international attention. For the Dutch, it removed any doubt that the Republic was not simply a gang of collaborators without popular support. It also had the effect of convincing Britain that wisdom lay on the side of neutrality in the revolution; within a few years, in fact, Britain would support the Republican cause in the United Nations. Considered a heroic effort by Indonesians, the battle helped galvanise Indonesian and international support for Indonesian independence. 10 November is celebrated annually as Heroes’ Day.

Source : wikipedia

Minggu, 09 Februari 2020

Story about The Fox and The Cat


One day a cat and a fox were having a conversation. The fox, who was a conceited creature, boasted how clever she was. ‘Why, I know at least a hundred tricks to get away from our mutual enemies, the dogs,’ she said.‘I know only one trick to get away from dogs,’ said the cat. ‘You should teach me some of yours!’‘Well, maybe some day, when I have the time, I may teach you a few of the simpler ones,’ replied the fox airily.
Just then they heard the barking of a pack of dogs in the distance. The barking grew louder and louder – the dogs were coming in their direction! At once the cat ran to the nearest tree and climbed into its branches, well out of reach of any dog. ‘This is the trick I told you about, the only one I know,’ she called down to the fox. ‘Which one of your hundred tricks are you going to use?’
The fox sat silently under the tree, wondering which trick she should use. Before she could make up her mind, the dogs arrived. They fell upon the fox and tore her to pieces.

Minggu, 12 Januari 2020



hey guys, so today im gonna tell you all about my holiday experience. so yeah, my holiday is just like my another holiday, you know like sleeping, eat some food, playing some vidio games, and other. 

yep, I got a flat holiday and all that changes because my brother asked my dad to play offroad, well we have done that 6 month ago, so yeah we do that again pluss the road is muddy because of heavy rain last night. we play offroad at sariater atv adventure, it takes us 2 hours to get there. after that my siblings and I decide to play archery, we played for half an hour, it was a fun game. when we in the way home we found an paint ball arena, my brother and i decide to join in, i got a bad aim.

i dont do much thing in my holiday, except i try to read a book 15 minute every day, but i failed :(. oh yeah my mother invite me to thge great asia afrika, its full of people there but a nice place.

thank you for reading